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大学留学英语申请书   大学留学英语申请书   在眼下市场经济活跃的社会,申请书在生活中的使用越来越广泛,我们在写申请书的时候要切忌长篇大论。什么样的申请书才是合理的呢?下面是小编为大家收集的大学留学英语申请书,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。   大学留学英语申请书1   Dear xx,   My initial interest in the petroleum industry and geosciences stemmed froman epiphany I had whilst engaged in conversation with a young, successfulDutchman in Dubai.This man was a friend of my Fathers who was discussing withme the terms of a Shell sponsorship through University, and essentially who Iwould aspire to become.   I had always known about the attractiveness of the industry which my Fatherhas been involved in for close to forty years and knew that it was where I wouldbe "destined to pursue a career"; the only question was, in which field ofwork?   I have always been fascinated by and excelled in Geography and Physics.Having achieved the Geography prize in both Higher and Standard Grade, as wellas merits in Physics.I have chosen to study Petroleum Geology/ Geosciences asit is a unique combination that will satisfy my interest and ability in bothsubjects and develop and nurture my skills to further aid my entry into theindustry.   My love of the Earth's natural Geography has long affected my ambitionsoutside of school.Skiing, scuba diving and fell running have taken me to someof the most awe inspiring places on the planet in pursuit of experiencing andseeing new things, as well as excelling my passion for travel.I have visitedthe Alps, Caucus mountains, Cancun and Dubai pursuing these activities.I alsoplay Volleyball with the Bon Accord men's team and attend weekly trainingsessions.I have also captained my schools volleyball team.Another of myinterests I adopted at an early age was athletics.I was dedicated to mytraining for five years and won many prized awards, including a Gold medal inhigh jump at the Scottish East District Championships, and fifteenth place inthe Scottish Cross Country Championships.My completion of The Duke of EdinburghAward to the extent of Gold Award is one of my most prided achievements.   It hasmatured me and taught me many invaluable life skills such as the importance ofrespect, responsibility, dedication and team work.As part of my award I wasnominated after application and interview by Laurencekirk and District RotaryClub to be their representative for the 20xx R.Y.L.A young leaders' camp.Thisinvolved me spending one week with 60 other