文库 合同协议 其他合同


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英文版借款合同.docx 第1页
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英文版借款合同   英文版借款合同(通用10篇)   随着时间的推移,关于合同的利益纠纷越来越多,它也是实现专业化合作的纽带。知道吗,写合同可是有方法的哦,下面是小编为大家收集的英文版借款合同,欢迎阅读与收藏。   英文版借款合同 1   Party A:________   Party B:________ Investment Planning Co., Ltd. (Public Relations School)   Through the introduction of Ms.________, Party A and Party B have reached the following loan contract through friendly negotiation and will strictly abide by it.   1、Loan amount:   _______________Ten thousand Chinese yuan.   2、Loan purpose   Payment for school basic construction projects.   3、Loan time and principal and interest settlement repayment method:   Loan duration: One year. From September 26, 20__to September 26, 20__, the monthly interest rate is two cents. Settlement will be made at the end of each quarter. If Party B has the funds and repayment ability to repay in advance, Party A agrees that Party B shall declare one month in advance and repay the principal and interest in advance according to the actual usage time.   4、Pledged items and measures to mitigate risks:   The second party uses the "Property Ownership Certificate" (Yun Gang Zi No.________)of the company and the schools No.1 office building as collateral. If Party B fails to repay the principal and interest on time, Party A has the right to sell the pledged property to recover the principal and interest, or to charge a late fee of 3% of the